A comprehensive 3-day Space Domain Cybersecurity course organized around the SPAce Domain Cybersecurity (SpaDoCs) Framework


This article describes a comprehensive 3-day Space Domain Cybersecurity course organized around the SPAce Domain Cybersecurity (SpaDoCs) Framework.

Course Description

This Space Domain Cybersecurity course examines the practical issues of developing and sustaining a secure cyber environment through all phases of the space mission lifecycle. The course is organized around the SPAce Domain Cybersecurity (SpaDoCs) Framework. The SpaDoCs Framework provides a comprehensive and systematic model for understanding and tackling all critical issues of cybersecurity in the space domain. An examination of the Key Objectives—confidentiality, integrity, availability—provides the foundation for the course. From there, the space domain is examined layer by layer starting from the enterprise layer, then drilling down through mission, system and DevSecOps layers. Threats and vulnerabilities at each layer are highlighted. Finally, first principles of cybersecurity are discussed (domain separation, process isolation, and others) as well as key enablers (such as vision and strategy) to help frame plans for action to address the cybersecurity issues exposed by this course. Course exercises center around practical application of the material to real- world space mission scenarios.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course you should be able to :

  • Describe the big picture challenges of cybersecurity in the space domain as organized in the SPAce Domain Cybersecurity (SpaDoCs) Framework
  • List and define key objectives of cybersecurity (CIA Triad), the first principles of secure systems, along with cybersecurity enablers
  • Identify cyber threats to and vulnerabilities of space missions and systems
  • Characterize the various layers of the space domain and the elements that comprise them
  • Apply cybersecurity first principles to specific space domain threats and vulnerabilities
  • Associate specific cybersecurity enablers with various space domain threat or vulnerability scenarios
  • Analyze threats and vulnerabilities and their attack vectors for various space domain scenarios at each layer
  • Formulate inputs and issues to a cybersecurity assessment plan for a given space domain scenario

Course Topics

  • Course Intro
  • Framework Overview
  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Space Domain Layers: Enterprise Layer, Mission Layer, System Layer, and DevOps Layer
  • Threats and Vulnerabilities
  • First Principles of cybersecurity applied in the space domain
  • Enablers of security and mission success in space enterprises

Course information

📅 August 23-25, 2023
⏲️ 9:00AM – 4:00PM MDT
📌 Price : $2,099
➡️ Registration : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/space-domain-cybersecurity-course-registration-631351438147

More information



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