Aerospace cybersecurity manuals bundle : satellites, drones, airplanes, and signals intelligence systems
Angelina Tsuboi is a programmer, mechatronics developer and Engineer, a pilot, a Scientific Researcher and cybersecurity researcher. She is currently working for NASA. She...
« Aerospace Cybersecurity: Satellite Hacking » course review
I just successfully completed the comprehensive course on « Aerospace Cybersecurity: Satellite Hacking » and passed successfully the final exam with a result of...
ethicallyHackingspace (eHs)® h4ck32n4u75™ (Hackernauts) Community Member
I'm very proud to have been choosen as ethicallyHackingspace(eHs)® h4ck32n4u75™ (Hackernauts) Community Member. Thank's to William Ferguson for this distinction.
The "h4ck32n4u75™" badge, pronounced "hackernauts,"...
My cybersecurity review for 2023
What an incredible end to 2023. I've had some wonderful experiences. I've successfully met many challenges in cybersecurity.
I took part of the 3-day...
23 Conseils pour réussir la certification CCSK (Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge) de la...
J'ai passé avec succès, début avril 2020, la certification CCSK (Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge) et je vous livre ci-dessous quelques conseils et astuces...
Top des comptes #Cyber à suivre sur Linkedin
Souvent on pense à Twitter pour réaliser sa veille sécu. Mais Linkedin reste une excellente source d'information dans le domaine du cyber. Je vous...
De qui se MOOC-t-on ? Liste des meilleurs MOOCs sur la Cybersécurité
J'ai découvert, il y a un certain temps, le monde merveilleux des MOOCs. J'ai voulu découvrir de quoi il s'agissait en participant à des...
Reaching for the Stars with Zero Trust: Space Domain Applications
In this article, we will explore if we can apply Zero Trust in space domain, for example in satellites or space missions, how and...
Cloud Security Alliance launched CCZT, the industry-first « Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust »
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is a non-profit organization that focuses on promoting best practices for securing cloud computing environments. It was established in...
Very proud to have earned the Kelley School of Business – Space Cybersecurity Professional...
I’m pleased to announce that I have obtained a new certification: Kelley School of Business Executive Education Space Cybersecurity from Indiana University - Kelley...