Des pirates informatiques annoncent avoir infiltré un sous-traitant de la NASA juste après le...
Les opérateurs du rançongiciel (ransomware) DoppelPaymer ont félicité la NASA ainsi que la société SpaceX d'Elon Musk pour le premier lancement d'une fusée privée...
Space Odyssey: An Experimental Software Security Analysis of Satellites
The abstact below is taken from a paper written by Johannes Willbold, Moritz Schloegel, Manuel Vogele, Maximilian Gerhardt, Thorsten Holz and Ali Abbasi.
This paper...
« Aerospace Cybersecurity: Satellite Hacking » course review
I just successfully completed the comprehensive course on « Aerospace Cybersecurity: Satellite Hacking » and passed successfully the final exam with a result of...
SpaceSec, the Workshop on the Security of Space and Satellite Systems
SpaceSec is the Workshop on the Security of Space and Satellite Systems
SpaceSec 2023 took place on the 27 February 2023 in San Diego, California.
Description des éléments d’un système de Contrôle-Commande d’un satellite
Afin de pouvoir analyser les différentes menaces et identifier les risques qui pèsent sur un système spatial, il est nécessaire de décrire précisément l'ensemble...
Viasat Attack: A Space Cyber Attack Post Mortem Investigation
In this paper, I choose to investigate the Viasat cyber attack that occurred on 24 February, 2022. First, I will summarize the chronology of...
A comprehensive 3-day Space Domain Cybersecurity course organized around the SPAce Domain Cybersecurity (SpaDoCs)...
This article describes a comprehensive 3-day Space Domain Cybersecurity course organized around the SPAce Domain Cybersecurity (SpaDoCs) Framework.
Course Description
This Space Domain Cybersecurity course examines...
An analysis of the Thales satellite hacking demo CYSAT 2023 by SPARTA team
Brandon Bailey & Brad Roeher from the SPARTA team analyzed, in this article, Thales Group’s CYSAT ’23 presentation material to deconstruct the experiment, extract lessons...
TREKS (Targeting, Reconnaissance, & Exploitation Kill-Chain for Space Vehicles), a new Cybersecurity Framework that...
"The space sector is in need of new frameworks and methodologies specific to our unique operating environment" said Gregory Falco (Aerospace Security & Space...
Reaching for the Stars with Zero Trust: Space Domain Applications
In this article, we will explore if we can apply Zero Trust in space domain, for example in satellites or space missions, how and...