Introduction to Cybersecurity for Commercial Satellite Operations: Draft NISTIR 8270


Space operations are vital to advancing the security, economic prosperity, and scientific knowledge of the Nation. However, cyber-related threats to space assets and supporting infrastructure pose increasing risks to the economic promise of emerging markets in space.

NIST is seeking comments on Draft NISTIR 8270, Introduction to Cybersecurity for Commercial Satellite Operations, which describes cybersecurity concepts with regard to crewless, commercial space operations. The document is an information reference for managing cybersecurity risks and considering how cybersecurity requirements might coexist within space vehicle system requirements. NIST is specifically interested in feedback on the document’s overall approach, the example use case, and the identified controls for the use case. (Note that the use case is only notional for illustrative purposes and is not intended to be a set of specific cybersecurity recommendations.)

A public comment period is open through August 13, 2021. Based on feedback for this publication, NIST will also consider the utility of publishing similar reports discussing other areas of space operations as needed. See the publication details for a copy of the draft and instructions for submitting comments.

Some figures in the draft

Update (22 july 2021)

Comment Period Extended for Draft NISTIR 8270, Introduction to Cybersecurity for Commercial Satellite Operations

NIST has extended the due date to October 13, 2021, for providing comments on Draft NISTIR 8270, “Introduction to Cybersecurity for Commercial Satellite Operations.” A copy of the draft and instructions for submitting comments are available here.


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