The dark side of the DNS or the war of the port 53


I am very happy and proud that my article on DNS security has been accepted and published in the last issue of Hakin9 Magazine after being reviewed by the editorial board.

This new issue of Hakin9 Magazine, titled « Dark Web Vol.3 », is an exploratory journey into the shadowy realms of the internet and the cybersecurity challenges that lurk within.

The title of my article is « The dark side of the DNS or the war of the port 53 ».

We are all familiar with classic DNS-based attacks such as DNS Cache Poisoning, DNS Reflexion attack, DNS Amplification attack, DNS Pseudo Random SubDomain (PRSD) attack, DNS NX Domain attack, etc. ….

However, less is known about the techniques and algorithms behind these attacks. And since most modern malware uses DNS in at least one of the 7 stages of the Cyber Kill Chain, the aim of this article is to give a little insight into these techniques and to analyze the most sophisticated DNS-based attacks.

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